Denmark and Sweden lead their ways in EPR schemes: a guide for fashion brands

March 20, 2024

In a significant move towards sustainable development, Denmark is introducing an Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) scheme for packaging from April 2024. This move aligns Denmark with Sweden, which has already implemented a mandatory packaging EPR scheme since January 2024. What actions shall be taken by brands? How can Trimco Group help fashion brands in their packaging EPR journey?

Denmark's progressive packaging EPR scheme

Denmark's EPR scheme, set to commence on April 1, 2024, mandates that brands register and indicate expected quantities of packaging they will introduce to the market throughout the year.

Contrary to other packaging EPR schemes across Europe, brands selling in Denmark (or its distributor/representative entity) cannot rely on a Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO) today. They have to register individually via Dansk Producent Ansvar.

By 2025, all brands operating in Denmark must be registered under this scheme.

This Danish packaging EPR scheme is more than just a registration requirement - it holds companies fully accountable for the weight of packaging they release into the market and its handling throughout its lifecycle. This means brands are responsible for creating their packaging and its end-of-life management.

Sweden's approach to packaging EPR

Sweden Packaging EPR scheme came into effect in January 2023. Producers are obligated to report their waste by registering with one of the Producer Responsibility Organizations (PROs) like Business producer responsibility in Sweden (Näringslivets Producentansvar i Sverige) or TMR Responsibility AB.

The goal is ambitious yet achievable - to reduce single-use plastic packaging waste by 70% and 50% by 2028 and 2030, respectively.

Navigating the new mandates with Trimco Group's ProductDNA®

At such a critical juncture, Trimco Group's ProductDNA® platform isa great solution for brands looking to take action and comply with the new Danish and Swedish EPR regulations, in particular reporting obligations.

The Packaging Manager module of ProductDNA® simplifies the workload for brands. It gathers all packaging data needed and generates reports, which include all the necessary information related to garment packaging: quantity, weight, composition, sustainable attributes, etc.

Combined with ProductDNA®’s Certificate Manager module, brands can collect documentations and monitor the sustainable attributes of their packaging and products. This can potentially reduce the contribution paid by brands and help them align with the new regulations sooner.

As a producer of packaging, Trimco Group is committed to providing sustainable packaging solutions to brands. We prioritize sustainability in the sourcing and development of our packaging materials. Understanding the specifications of the packaging used for garments and shoes, we utilize the Certificate Manager for ourselves. Leveraging Trimco Group's packaging services can significantly streamline the process of data collection and reporting for your brand.

As the fashion industry progresses towards sustainability, it's important for brands to remain proactive. With Denmark and Sweden already having implemented these schemes, understanding and complying with the new EPR requirements is an essential step for any brand operating in these markets.

Let Trimco Group's ProductDNA® platform streamline this process for you, ensuring you meet your obligations in the country of operation. Contact the Trimco Group team today to find out the best matching setup for your brand's unique needs.

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