The influence and advantages of garment-dyed trims

November 6, 2023

Neck labels and labels in general - we see them every day on our garments, but have you ever pondered about the difference in their creation process? Garment dyeing is a technique that can influence the industry and is an excellent solution for seasonal colors. At Trimco Group, our Sustainability team has been delving into this innovative method and the choice of labels for this application.

Understanding Dyeing Techniques

Before we explore garment-dyed trims, it is worth understanding traditional dyeing methods first, primarily yarn dyeing and piece dyeing. In yarn dyeing, individual threads are colored before being woven or knitted into fabric. Piece dyeing involves dyeing entire cloth pieces post-weaving but pre-final product assembly. While these methods have served the industry well, they come with environmental drawbacks, including high water, energy, and dye consumption.

Why Garment Dyeing?

Garment dyeing sets itself apart as a solution with multi-faceted implications and advantages. In this technique, dyeing occurs post-garment construction, including trims and labels, offering several advantages:

Seasonal Colors: When it comes to seasonal fashion colors, garment dyeing with trims allows for a quick response to actual color trends, reducing stock and promoting cost-effective production of garments in specific shades. This method can accommodate last-minute changes in color, fashion, and popularity, making it an ideal choice for trend-responsive brands.

Distinct Aesthetic: Garment dyeing imparts a unique, vintage look to the fabric, hard to replicate with conventional techniques. It also ensures consistent color matching between the garment and its trims.

Waste Reduction: By applying dye to the finished product, excess dye runoff is minimized, and the need for large volumes of water, typical in traditional dyeing methods, is negated.

Our sustainability team explored natural fibers like cotton for garment dyeing due to their adaptability and circular implications.

Garment-dyed labels in cotton, SeaCell™ and Tencel™.

Natural Fibers: The Preferred Choice

In garment dyeing, natural fibers like cotton are favored. These fibers are dye-receptive, yielding vibrant colors and are biodegradable, which is a boon for fashion's end-life cycle. Our team trialed 100% cotton, a mix of cotton and SeaCell™, and a blend of cotton and Tencel™ for garment-dyed trims, all delivering impressive results.

Garment dyeing is a great way to rethink your collections or at least parts of it, including your trims. It reduces waste, provides design versatility, and we have tested and encourage the use of natural fibers for this purpose.

Keen to explore our trim solutions and learn more about this? Contact us.

Sources: ResearchGate, CottonWorks.

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