Textile Labelling Regulation revision is rescheduled to Q4-2024: How can your brand take advantage of it?

December 6, 2023

The European Union Parliament Legislative train schedule has changed, leading to a revision in the timeline for the textile labelling regulation. Originally planned for the fourth quarter of 2023, the revision is now scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2024. This alteration in the schedule provides an opportunity for brands to make the most of the additional time and adequately prepare for the upcoming changes. In this article, we will discuss the implications of this revised timeline and offer recommendations on how brands can effectively navigate this evolving landscape.


In March 2022, the European Union Commission presented an EU strategy for sustainable and circular textiles as part of the circular economy action plan. Textiles were identified as a key product value chain that requires urgent EU action due to their high resource usage and environmental impact. The strategy aims to ensure that by 2030, textiles on the European market are durable, recyclable, free of hazardous substances, and produced responsibly while respecting social rights. Fast fashion should be ‘out of fashion’, and re-use and repair services should be widely available. Textiles should be collected at the end of their lifetime, and their incineration and landfilling should be reduced to a minimum thanks to innovative fibre-to-fibre recycling.

The Parliament adopted its position on the ESPR ecodesign for sustainable products in July 2023. The parliament’s next step is to begin talks with national governments on the final form of the law.

One of the key measures to achieve true circularity for textiles and footwear is the Digital Product Passport (DPP). The DPP will serve as a comprehensive framework for brands to provide information about their products, including sustainability and circularity parameters. The expected key elements of the DPP, such as the unique product identifier, relevant commodity codes, compliance documentation, and information related to the manufacturer, have already been published by the CIRPASS consortium.

Brands' Challenges and Recommendations

Brands may find it challenging to digitalize the upstream data required for the DPP. To ease the transition to the DPP once the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR) for the fashion and textile sector is finalized, it is recommended to start digitalizing and streamlining the data during 2024. Brands can utilize the CIRPASS ESPR framework as a starting point. The CIRPASS is a collaborative initiative aimed at preparing the ground for a standards-based DPP aligned with the Proposal for Ecodesign for Sustainable Product Regulations (ESPR). CIRPASS has identified Trimco Group’s ProductDNA® as a digital passport service provider.

How Trimco Group Can Help

Act sooner than later. Trimco Group understands the complexities of navigating changes in textile labelling regulations. Our expert team can provide insights and solutions tailored to these regulatory shifts. Whether brands need advice on complying with current regulations or preparing for forthcoming changes, Trimco Group is ready to assist.

Get in Touch

Although the revision of the textile labelling regulation has been extended, brands should not wait until Q4 2024 to take action. Utilizing the additional time to digitalize upstream data and familiarize themselves with the requirements of the DPP can give brands a competitive advantage in meeting sustainability and circularity goals. Trimco Group offers expertise and solutions to help brands effectively navigate these changing regulations.

For more information and assistance related to textile labelling regulations, reach out to us.

Carriages preview | Legislative Train Schedule (europa.eu)

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